Uphantom API
API Welcome

Welcome to Uphantom API

Uphantom is the next generation to blockchain, based on a decentralized invisible database network. Below is call for investors and explanations how to use the API prototype. This API prototype explorer comes in addition to our pitch deck and white paper document.

First look of the API

Using the Uphantom API is as simple as browsing a web page! The following API query makes a call to the API to get my account balance. Try it!


click it and see what you get. It may look com;licated, but in fact, it is pretty simple: it just tells Uphantom - "tell me the ccount balance of account XXX with key YYY". Let's break it to pieces and see what we mean:


Notice that all variables begin with the word "Uphantom", this is so the Uphantom engine will distinguish them from other variables. If we simplify it completely we get:

call api.Uphantom.com with action=account and subaction=balance and uid=... and key=...

Business Plan Highlights

At the moment we are not structured yet and looking to register a holding company in New Zealand.

We are looking to raise $200,000US based on $2,000,000 valuation meaning that for every $50k we will give 2.5% of the company

How to use the prototype API


The prototype API is representing one node in the network. It is allowing to register a new account, save data into the network, transfer money to another account and retreive information about nodes and accounts.

The API following some basic architecture principles:
* Simplicity: all queries are GET queries i.e. can be done via the browser URL.
* Invisibility: non members that query a node, get a blank response.
* Hidden layer: the API can be embedded in an existing website without destrupting its functionality.

API Structure

Uphantom can accept only 7 variables, these are:
Uphantom_uid: account UID (Unique Identifier)
Uphantom_key: account key
Five variables: Uphantom_var1 , Uphantom_var2 , Uphantom_var3 , Uphantom_var4 , Uphantom_var5

There are two important points to understand:
- not every call requires all variables, for instance - the above account balance API requires just the UID and KEY.
- variables play different roles for different calls. For instance - for the API call "Account Status", Uphantom_var1 is "the UID of the account you query" (could be yours, or someone else), but the same variable Uphantom_var1 is "from which time" when you query "money history".
Note: all variables roles are described in the API explorer

Example - pay someone

Lets assume that you own a Uphantom account, and you want to pay a friend that gave you his "account UID".

Step 1: check your balance:

Step 2: check if your friend account exists:
(We bold the friend account UID)

Step 3: pay $20 to your friend:

Step 4: check your account balance again:

Step 5: Get all your account transactions: